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Magazine Jail

Magazine Jail

Location Class:
Built: 1934 | Abandoned: 1979
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places (June 8, 1993)
Status: Abandoned
Photojournalist: John Rupp

By 1934, the citizens of Magazine, Arkansas had decided upon the need for a jail structure. Most towns across the midwest had already had these tiny one-cell jails at this point. The jail was made of concrete blocks and assembled to form an ashlar-faced stone. A local craftsman and stonemason, Mr. J. Arless Jenkins, made the concrete blocks himself in a molding machine he owned. The exterior of the jail had black tar running down the sides because too much was used when the roof was sealed. A few had left their mark on the jail over the years with Joe from Blue Mountain etching his name in the strip metal jail door and B.J. Mikles leaving his in 1938 on the inside of the jail. It was unbelievably used as a holding cell up until 1979 when it was replaced by a newer facility. It was then added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1993.

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