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Verser Clinic Hospital

Verser Clinic Hospital

Location Class:
Built: 1949 | Abandoned: 1973
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places
Status: AbandonedEndangered
Photojournalist: James Kirkendall

264718_140483446029206_6625161_nIn January 1949, the Verser Clinic Hospital was opened by Dr. Walter William (W.W) and son Dr. Joe Verser. It was a twenty-five bed facility housed in the former First Baptist Church of Harrisburg Arkansas. Three of the back rooms in the clinic were made into an apartment for Dr. Joe and his wife to live in. They lived there for thirteen years. Patients would sit down at his breakfast table and discuss their ailments.

In 1947 Dr. Joe joined his father (W.W) on the Arkansas State Medical Board which is a licensing and disciplinary board for physicians. Dr. Joe became secretary in 1949 and remained as such for 43 years until he retired from the position in 1991.

Dr. Joe Verser was one of the 18 founders of Arkansas Bluecross, Blue Shield in 1949. The program offered for individuals, hospital and surgical benefits for $1.85 a month. Families regardless of the size had the same benefits for $4.35 month.

The Verser Clinic Hospital had x-ray facilities, diathermy, ultra violet light equipment, electrocardiograph, basal metabolism machine, air-condition operating room, delivery room, nursery, elevator, complete laundry equipment room, kitchen and a intercommunication system consisting of the nurses master station with speakers in each patient’s room.

Verser Hospital closed in 1973 and Dr Joe saw patients needing hospital care at Cross County Hospital in Wynne or Methodist Hospital in Jonesboro. He was chief of staff at Methodist hospital, 1978-1979. Even though an exact count was not recorded, it was estimated that he delivered over 5,000 babies. He said “It wasn’t that I was that good, I was just cheap, affordable, and available.” He was paid $2 for the first baby he delivered.

On February 3, 1994 while sitting at his desk in an exam room, completing paperwork for a patient, Dr Joe Verser passed away at the age of 81. He had practiced medicine for 57 years.

The Verser Clinic Hospital is now owned by the Poinsett County Historical Society. Ms. Sylvia Evans (Executive Director of Publications, PCHS, Editor of Historical Books and Quarterly) wishes to preserve and restore the building to be the future home of the Poinsett County Museum. The Verser Clinic Hospital has now been nominated to be listed on the National Register of Historical Places.

Poinsett County Library, Poinsett County Historical Society
Special Thanks: Ms. Sylvia Evans, Daniel Vincent Evans Parten, Brandon Hendrix

Caution: Permission was granted in order to photograph the Verser Clinic Hospital. The building is locked and patrolled by city and county law enforcement.

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Chad Jurgenson
Chad Jurgenson
2 years ago

Is there place for sale?

2 years ago

I just found your article. I was born at Verser Clinic October 24, 1951. However, my birth certificate calls it “McClure Clinic.” Do you know if it was ever called that or is this an error on the b.c.? I see a Dr. McClure’s name for who delivered me…? [My b.c. is really rather disturbing in that whoever wrote it made several errors on it, e.g., my name is misspelled as the male version of Frances (Francis), my dad’s name is misspelled, you can’t read the time of birth, and even corrections in the Doctor’s name.] My older sister is… Read more »

Bonnie LeeAnn Reed
Bonnie LeeAnn Reed
3 years ago

I was born there February 3,1970

Carla w Boudreaux
Carla w Boudreaux
4 years ago

I was born there in 1972!!!

kdc clinic
5 years ago

KDC Dental Care founded in 1997 and has been successful in providing treatment since then. We use the most advanced dental technology and have proved to be one among the best dental clinic chain in India. We provide quality dental care in a happy, professional and caring environment.

Darlene Battles
Darlene Battles
5 years ago

I was born here,Dr. Joe delivered me in Sept. 1955. I hope they restore this piece of history. I want to visit it one day.

The Third Eye
7 years ago

I think it can be a perfect place to start clinic and I think it needs to be renew.

7 years ago

Med tanke på att Kinas meritförteckning innehåller 4 raka Asiatiska guldmedaljer, medaljer i alla valörer på VM samt OS-brons i Vancouver, hoppas jag att ni är nöjda med er insats. Nu tar ni nästa!!!

Donnie Griffith
Donnie Griffith
7 years ago

I was born there March 16 1949 the only one of ten born in a hospital Donnie Griffith

8 years ago

We have given several tours of this historic site, if you are interested in a guided tour please contact me via email at landon.bates16@gmail.com

8 years ago

Possibilities are if they've been in business for 10 years or longer, they're likely well-established in the community and a good overall choice. You can ask them how long that it requires to finish a common job.

8 years ago

Dulu pernah riset kecil2an yang mana hasil riset tersebut tidak bisa dipertanggung jawabakan….hehehehe…. *serius* dulu pernah riset dan pengen membuat blog dengan tema rehabilitasi pencandu drug, tapi karena keterbatasan pengetahuan tentang hal ini, maka akhirnya project tersebut tidak jalan…padahal kata kunci tsb memiliki peluang yang sangat gede jika nantinya dipasang Adsense…Ya, akhirnya bikin blog ngalur ngidul dengan tema serabutan….

8 years ago

“not pro-Hamas.”Yes, but they do not “condemn” Hamas. Is that good enough? They simply “oppose” the rocket attacks. Hardly the condemnation you hope for.

Dot Jones
Dot Jones
8 years ago

I was born there on Mother's Day, May 12 1951…

8 years ago

Touched so many lives. Hope it can be restored, hate that it is in such bad shape. So much history in that building.

Barbara Messer
Barbara Messer
8 years ago

Where I as born. Hate to see it in disrepair. Hope it is preserved.

8 years ago

The abandon date is incorrect. I went there for a physical to attend Girls State in the mid 80's

Reply to  Tre
3 years ago

I was born there in 1965 and when I was in college in 1983 Dr. Joe treated me at the Methodist emergency room in Jonesboro.

Sandra Carroll Lyons
Sandra Carroll Lyons
8 years ago

I was born there February 18 1950.

Donna Bolden
Donna Bolden
8 years ago

I was born there in September of 1959!! Sewed my hand up when I was in 6th grade and put a cast on my arm the same year!! Lots of memories from that place! Would love to see it restored!!

8 years ago

nice article , thanks for sharing.try to visit my crip bedding for boys and girls.

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