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Hopper School

Location Class:
Built: 1902 | Abandoned: 1960
Status: AbandonedEndangeredGutted
Photojournalist: Michael SchwarzEddy SissonJared Holt

Entire communities come and go and, like the people that we simply meet passing us on the street, they frequently leave very little to mark their passing.  While some communities last for a mere span of decades, others might last for well over a hundred years, and yet in their passing they all generally bear one thing in common: They just don’t leave very much by way of marking their passing.  And this is probably nowhere more true than in the smaller rural communities far removed from the more populated centers of our land.

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of Arkansas, there was a place known as The Hopper Community.  Located along Highway 240 just below the community of Caddo Gap, it sat on the southernmost edge of Montgomery County and rested just below Tweedle Mountain where The South Fork Creek ran from the foot of the mountain and emptied into the nearby Caddo River.

The community of Hopper was originally known as Parks because of Jack Parks, an early resident who gave land for a community building which was used for a school, a Masonic Lodge, and as a church meeting house for any group wishing to make such use of it.  When William Jacking hopper came around 1868, however, the regular mail was left at Hopper’s store which sat about a mile north of the community where the Hopper Church of Christ sits.  It was from this first mail drop that a post office was establish and that the name of “Hopper” was adopted.

Over the years and the decades that followed, the small rural community saw a gradual stream of Post Masters beginning with John C. Smith in 1888 and ending with Avedelle Whisenhunt who was serving when the Post Office was discontinued in 1968.  A total of 12 different Post Masters served the small Post Office over the 80 years of its operation and service.

Like most small southern rural communities, the town of Hopper has several stores as most people couldn’t travel great distances for their daily and regular needs.  The community was also home to a gristmill in which corn was ground into meal, a part of which was usually given to the mill owner to pay for the cost of the grinding.  The Parks Branch Creek itself was dammed up to provide power for the running of a stave mill within the community, which was also the home to a saw mill.  And the first electric lights within the community were at the home of Mr. Coffman, the owner and operator of the local grist mill.

Today, all that remains to mark the passage of all of the homes, stores, and businesses that the community of Hopper at one time boasted is the old solitary school house and church building…a single building still filled the distant echoes of purposes past and the quiet memories of day long gone.  Throughout its operation, the school typically was the home of two teachers – one for the grade school and the other for the high school – both of which would meet simultaneously within the school house.  A building filled with life, it was the site of box suppers, Christmas programs, and singing schools – one of the first of which was held in 1902 with teachers J.L. Ray, Silas Horn, and Olen Pate.  People came along “The Big Road” to attend them, as Highway 240 was known of and referred to back then.  The Church of Christ itself would meet within the building well up into the 1950’s, at which time the church was able to construct its own meeting house.  And “The Big Road” itself was finally paved in the 1950’s as well.


A largely forgotten community cemetery is located a distance from the old school and church building where those who once ran the community and lived within it now quietly rest, silent witnesses of the world the community that at one time thrived all around them.

A cemetery, a paved road, and an aging building that at one time housed the very soul of the community itself…the town of Hopper’s existence and ultimate fate is not uncommon…and yet the fading glory of the Hopper School building is a serene reminder that every community must be considered as unique, it’s presence as a gift, and its passing with all of the reverence that it is most certainly due.

So whenever you come across an empty, decaying, and seemingly forgotten old build out in what seems like “the middle of nowhere”…understand that within its hallowed halls the entire spirit of a once lively and thriving community rest, quietly whispering “Remember me…”

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Michael Schwarz

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Lindsey A Thomas
Lindsey A Thomas
2 months ago

My family is from Hopper and most still reside there. Andrew Thomas and Lois Thomas are my grandparents both rest at at that cemetery as well as other family members. I also spent most of my childhood in hopper at my grandmothers just down the road from this school. My dad used to tell me stories about a crow that used to come to the bus stop every day to see them off to school and brought them gifts. Hopper is the only place I have ever felt at home. But unfortunately with father’s passing recently my inheritance of the… Read more »

Victoria Hopper
Victoria Hopper
3 months ago

My husband’s ancestors are buried in that cemetery, including his great-grandmother. We visited there about 10 years ago, and asked around, and could not find any other living Hoppers. (His grandparents and uncles lived in Plainview, in Yell County, and his dad actually moved to Connecticut after college, which is where my husband grew up. Thank you for the great article!

Larry Shields
Larry Shields
3 years ago

I was born up the road from the old school on the Hopper Loop. My grand parents (Shields) owned the farm across the big the road (hwy. 240) from the school. My dad and two sisters were born on the Shields farm. My mother was a Coffman and had many family members in Hopper.

Tanya L Hollifield
Tanya L Hollifield
3 years ago

My grandma Ruby Hollifield taught school there in probably the late 30’s. The the house across the road from the Whisenhunt house was a store and post office once ran by my great aunt Dayler Hollifield Coffman (first name spelling not correct). I have followed you but missed this one. I remember going to potluck church dinners there when I was a child in the 70’s. Only thing about this article that I find in error is talking about Hopper as if it is a ghost town. The community is still there and many family members live there. We have… Read more »

Sue Boring
Sue Boring
10 years ago

My Grndparents lived not far from Hopper inear New Hope and I have been to Hopper many times. My Grandparents were Whisenhunts, I am wondering who "Mrs. Whisenhuny- postmaster" was married to? Or do you know her first name?

Marsha K Merritt
Marsha K Merritt
Reply to  Sue Boring
3 years ago

Avadell was married to Jack Whisenhunt and was postmaster there when I was a little girl.

William cogburn
William cogburn
10 years ago

I was born in hopper.. my mom used to walk to, the post office every day. Mrs.Wisenhunt was the post master ..

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