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Dugan-Stuart Building

Dugan-Stuart Building

Location Class:
Built: 1904 | Abandoned: 1983
Status: Abandoned
Photojournalist: Michael SchwarzGrant King

Looking above altered first floor storefronts the Dugan-Stuart building remains a testimony to the early 20th century architecture. Built in 1904 four at house medical offices, this building has two identical splayed wings, camped with a massive cornice with dentils and modillions. Note the rich terra-cotta embellishing the top corners. Later the medical offices were converted into a hotel in the 40’s. Windows in each wing in sets of three, have banded brick forming posters between them. Fifth floor windows and art, note the round windows between them. Originally between the two halves was a column supported pediment entrance way one could into to go to the famous basement bowling alley. This bowling alley was used as a hideout by most of the gangsters from the 20s.

Dugan-stuart-oldSome of the upper floors used to be wide open areas until the building was converted into a hotel. Note the ceiling on some of the upper floor photos. You can see where the original decoration in cases the steel beams just below where the ceiling starts. Each door handle has the initials “D&S” (for Dugan & Stuart) engraved and still has a majority of 40’s hotel interior. From light fixtures, bathrooms, tiling, elevator doors and much more.

The lower floors in the past have housed various sundry shops, however today the building has been purchased and is undergoing major renovations starting in the first part of 2015.
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Michael Schwarz

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Ann I
Ann I
10 years ago

Some beautiful potential….hope the renovators save all the gorgeous architectural details…railings, etc. looks like condo potential!

10 years ago

Where is this located. Can't tell from the pictures.

Kim S.
Kim S.
10 years ago

I have to ask… where are the pics of the bowling alley?

Thomas Rickman
Reply to  Michael Schwarz
10 years ago

Is this the rumored bowling alley that people talked about being under Central Avenue?

10 years ago

Instead of letting them sit there and rot, why don't the owners of these places gut them and sell some of the stuff. Like the office door, for example, that's still in tact and beautifully constructed. Or the hand-laid tile pieces…

Reply to  Michael Schwarz
10 years ago

I love that! I adore all things vintage.

Jody M
Jody M
10 years ago

Is this the Medical Arts building on Central?

Kathy F.
Kathy F.
Reply to  Jody M
10 years ago

No it is a different building. Currently has some shops on the street level- you need to look up —

Rhonda G
Rhonda G
10 years ago

The "abandoned" sites are great,,, you can easily be there for hours,,,,

Lesa P
Lesa P
10 years ago

Such a beautiful building. Am glad someone has acquired it. Will be awesome when restored.

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
10 years ago

Beautiful building. Glad it's getting some attention, and renovation!

10 years ago

Oh let me at it. I would love to restore this baby.

10 years ago

Beautiful. I would love to live in a place that has as much character. Thank you for all the posts. I think I missed my calling

Michael W Goodrum
10 years ago

when did this building close

matt payne
matt payne
10 years ago

I love y'all pics!! I enjoy looking to see what y'all do next keep up the good work bro

10 years ago

What are the $2 dollar things on the wall?

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