City/Town: • Houston |
Location Class: • Cemetery |
Built: • 1800's | Abandoned: • 1980's |
Status: • Endangered |
Photojournalist: • Michael Schwarz |
This post features two cemeteries found in the middle of Houston. Most of the headstones are marked with tag numbers that indicated a club that they were involved with. This cemetery is no longer mowed or up kept. Very sad to see unnamed cemeteries left and forgotten. If you have any addition Information, Please Contact Us.
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Some of these pics are from an old cemetery on tall timbers ln. People bought the land and moved the headstones and put a couple of trailers over the graves.
Are you serious? When did they buy the land?
Some of these pictures are from the Copperas Gap Cemetery near Houston, AR
Check this link:
Aaron Sims' grave is in Spatwood Cemetery.
Here's a link at Find a Grave:…
That is a great old cemetery. I love old cemeteries.