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Russell Jail

Russell Jail

Location Class:
Built: 1935 | Abandoned: N/A
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places (July 23, 1992)
Status: Abandoned
Photojournalist: Gage Fears

The Russell Jail is a single-cell concrete structure built around 1935. Constructed with the help of the Civil Works Administration funding and was one of only three jails in the county to be constructed with the fund. The other two jails built by the program are the Beebe and McRae Jails.

It’s unknown when exactly this jail became abandoned with many falling in the 1950s and 1960s era. The jail for years was covered in vegetation, hidden from the eyes of people almost being reclaimed by nature. At some point, the original steel door was removed leaving the inside open to the elements. Since then the Russell Jail was listed on the National Register of Historic Places with the nomination being finalized on July 23, 1992. Since then the jail has been cleaned up with a magnificent sign being placed beside it.

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Emily Cowan

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